174 Saundersville Road

Suite 303

TN 37075



Sports Injuries & Athletes

Sports Injuries & Athletes

knight  "I don't believe in luck. I believe in preparation."

-Bob Knight, American Basketball Coach

Every professional sports organization (NBA, MLB, NFL, NHL, NASCAR, etc) has a chiropractor as part of their medical staff.  PGA golfers have their own chiropractors.  In fact, Jordan Spieth took time to thank his during his winning Masters speech this past year.  Athletes, especially at this elite level, know that it is important to achieve optimum health.  They know that small things can make big differences in competition.  They prepare and care for their bodies in the best way that they know possible, and the professionals that help these athletes prepare, remain a part of the equation.  Aaron Rodgers, quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, grew up with a father that is a chiropractor and has been under his care since day 1.  He was physically prepared for the weekly challenges he faces.

We may not all be professional athletes, but every high school athlete is trying to play better, get more playing time, or possibly increase his or her chances to receive a college scholarship.  Every triathlete, marathoner, 5K runner, and gym warrior are trying to improve their time, rep or weight max, and get to the next level.  I have never met an athlete that didn’t love competition whether it be in the form of win/lose or personal bests.  Chiropractic care treats the framework.  It allows you to better and more efficiently move your body.  It also helps to repair and care for the body after an injury has occurred.  It improves healing, clears inflammation, and naturally returns the athlete to play faster.  Chiropractic care isn’t just for professional athletes.  It should be a part of a well-rounded preparation plan for athletes of all levels.  The following are just a few types of treatment that are seen the most in this realm.

Graston Technique – A muscle scraping technique that diffuses adhesions within the muscle belly and helps to loosen fascial compression.  It also can mobilize fluid to be cleared from the area.

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – Exercises and a regimen that controls movement post injury.  The body cannot be thrown back into competition without strategically rehabbing the injured athlete.  Return to play too quickly, and there could be delays that cause a setback more than that of a coordinated PT program.

Spinal Adjustments – A thesis could go here.  Joints are made to move, we assure that they all are.  Immoveable segments prevent motion and end up effecting structure.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression – please visit this particular section of the site.  Its highly effective treatment for disc pathologies.

Electrical Stimulation and PIR stretching – All therapies that are used in conjunction with the above therapies to complete the comprehensive preparation/healing plan.

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